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Best Badminton Racket: A Guide to Choosing Right
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1 post
Aug 21, 2024
2:26 AM
Selecting the best badminton racket can significantly impact your performance on the court, whether you're a beginner or an advanced player. The right racket complements your playing style, providing the necessary power, control, and maneuverability. Here’s a guide to help you choose the best badminton racket for your needs.
1. Weight and Balance:
The weight of a badminton racket is one of the most critical factors to consider. Rackets are typically categorized into three weight classes: lightweight (less than 85g), medium weight (85-89g), and heavy (over 90g). Lightweight rackets are easier to handle and maneuver, making them ideal for beginners and players who prefer a faster game. Heavy rackets, on the other hand, offer more power but can be tiring to use over long periods. The balance point also plays a role, with head-heavy rackets providing more power, head-light rackets offering better control, and even-balance rackets being a good all-round option.

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